Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ticonderoga County Lost First Round of Federal Battle Over the Display of the Ten Commandments in the County's Courthouse.
Despite frivolous attempts by the attorneys representing Ticonderoga County, the U.S. District Court seems to be siding with Manford Mabley, an attorney who sued Ticonderoga County for having the Ten Commandments posted in the County's Courthouse, on a new First Amendment case that has just reached the federal courts. Though the attorneys representing Ticonderoga County claimed that Mabley had no right to sue because he is neither a resident of the county nor a frequent visitor, the U.S. District Court sided with Mabley on the first round of the federal legal battle. It's really too bad that even in a building full of judges and lawyers, some people are just too dense to understand the concept of the separation of church and state.
For more information about the first amendment, including the clause that is responsible for the separation of church and state, click here.

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